Sunday, December 18, 2005

Computers Suck

So I'm home! Back in the good old US of A up in cold, snowy Boston. It's the first time I've been home in 5 months and it feels a little strange to be back. It's so nice to see the family and friends, but it's hard to adjust to the hectic and busy lifestyle that awaits me here. Boston's cold weather has been a shock to my system which has led me to wear about 5 layers of clothes every day and sleep under at least 4 blankets! However, no matter what the weather, home is always home and it is good to be back, even for just a short while.

First things first... I did have a couple of Blogs from the end of Australia and while I was in New Zealand with Dad... BUT my stupid computer hard drive decided to go be an ass and crashed while Dad and I were still traveling and I lost everything! I think any of you reading this should feel a little bad for me because all my pictures from Elon, Australia and New Zealand are gone and to get them recovered would cost me between $1700-$2700 dollars which is more than my freakin' ticket to Australia! So needless to say, I'm a little sad and the pictures and all my documents and a few blogs are gone, never to be seen again (unless anyone reading this is a computer genious and can recover documents for me!!! I'll love you forever if you can :)) P.S. document recovery people suck and should all get punched in the face for charging that much to recover a few pictures! Grrrrrr.

The entire Australia trip and experience was a blast and I enjoyed every single second while over there. I already miss the people, the places and the lifestyle from the land down under and hope to make it back someday in the not too distant future.

For those of you who don't like cheesy girl stuff... skip the rest of this paragraph ( stop rolling your eyes at me! ;))Thanks mainly to a certain Aussie guy, my last few weeks in OZ were amazing. I've had a permanent smile on my face since November and it has continued even a month later after reluctantly leaving Perth. Aussie guy: If you are reading this, know how much I miss you and how happy you make me. Fishing, hot chocolate, Mexican food, strawberries, supreme pizza, playing soccer at the beach, fish and chips, falling asleep while watching movies, tickling, matthew reilly, King's Park, kissing in the rain, your wool socks, Queens, tim tam ice cream, Carnegies, the beach, the airport, emails and phone calls from 1/2 way around the world... missing you and it all. Thinking of you always... spring come sooner!

Ok... if you are one of those people who doesn't like cheesy girl stuff and didn't skip ahead like I told you to and read that last paragraph anyway, stop whatever moaning or laughing you are doing. I can hear you all the way in Boston! :)

Ok so on to New Zealand. What a trip! Although all the pictures are lost except for a few from the last couple of days (including one of Dad in the kayaking skirt... classic, might have to frame that one) Dad and I managed to have a fantastic time for 3 weeks traveling around and experiencing everything we could. We met long lost relatives, saw mud pools, traditional maori meeting houses, canoes, dances, went kayaking, jet boating, hiking, cruising and even managed a few days of relaxing. The scenery in NZ is stunningly beautiful and we are lucky to have had the chance to experience it all. Kiwis are very friendly people and are outgoing and helpful. It was great to experience another culture and being able to spend 3 weeks alone with Dad is a memory I will never forget. Thanks for an incredible trip Dad!

Now, back in Boston, we are all home (except Mooie... hurry home but good luck on exams!) and getting ready for Christmas next week. It is much easier to get in the Christmas spirit with snow on the ground in stead of hot summer weather over in Australia and New Zealand. I'm hoping for a white Christmas so everyone keep your fingers crossed!

Friends from home: I can't wait to see you guys once you are all back for the break!

Eloners: WT is going to be crazy... get ready friends :)

Roomies: You guys rock my socks off and this last semester is going to be off the wall. Can't wait to be back in our house being crazy as always. I love you guys and can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks. Shan, have a blast in Africa and hurry back!
p.s. Happy 22nd Lexo!

Aussies: Hope you are all enjoying summer break. I miss you guys already, especially your hot aussie accents ;)

Aussie Guy: hmmm... :) :) :) Smiling like always.

Stay classy friends. It's good to be home.


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